Exhibition News
来源:  发布时间:2019-06-11 10:26:52






The company is headquartered in central Sydney, Australia. Australia Golden Miles is a  professional food import and export supply chain company, is committed to the Australian origin of high-quality products introduced to Asia and China(Hong Kong / Taiwan / Macao) and so on. The Chinese company is located in one of the most economically developed cities, GPD gross ranking of the top three of the country's Guangzhou.

澳悦嘉国际有限公司成立于2011年,公司总部设立在澳大利亚悉尼市中心。澳悦嘉是一家专业食品进出口供应链公司,致力于把澳大利亚原产的高品质产品引进亚洲和中国(香港/台湾/澳门)等。而中国公司设在经济最发达的城市之一, GPD总值排列全国前三名的广州。


Golden Miles has been working closely with a number of large-scale manufacturing enterprises for many years. From the beginning of the source, Golden Miles continues to become a supply chain company for customers to purchase a variety of Australian quality products.



Golden Miles Partners include:


Goodman Fielder: known as Australian Grain in China Market, with more than 100 years of history, is the grain / oil and food industry Faucet Big Brother, it is brand image.

Goodman Fielder (固漫费尔德) :被誉为【 澳粮】,  具有100多年历史, 是粮/油类以及食品界的龙头大哥,品牌的标志.

FMF Foods Limited: Known as the rising star of the South Pacific island nation, with a history of more than 40 years, biscuit/potato chip class wind is known as the South Pacific Ocean Island.

FMF 食品有限公司: 被誉为【南太平洋岛国的明日之星】, 具有40多年历史, 饼干/薯片类风蜚南太平洋岛国.

SINICARE Australia:Known as: Australia's largest Skin Care production plant, it is the one of medical manufacturing license of seven in Australia. We are the one of the leading manufacturers creating of own name   production in Australia.

SINICARE 丝妮蔻护肤保健品工厂: 被誉为:【澳大利亚第一大护肤品生产厂】是药物制造允许证的七个生产企业之一,是澳大利亚以及自创牌加工生产的厂家.

The Lane Vineyard: Australia's Red five-star winery, its production of luxury wine series is included in the world's best 2% wine, it is the brewing style combined with the advantages of France and Australia's respective   unique style of red wine.

迪蘭酒庄 (The Lane) : 澳大利亚的红五星级酒庄,其出品的豪华葡萄酒系列被列入世界最佳的2%葡萄酒内, 它酿造风格是结合法国与澳大利亚各自的优点而成的独特风格的红酒。

Golden Miles introduced the integrity of brand products, so that people feel at ease to choose, safe to eat.



澳大利亚是世界上种植芥花籽和出产芥花籽油的五大国家之一。拥有得天独厚的地理位置和气候, 闻名世界的纯净天然环境,以及政府对食品的严格监管,造就澳大利亚出产的芥花籽油以纯净、安全和优质著称。

金黄芥花籽油的生产企业 Goodman Fielder 已有一百多年历史,是澳大利亚上市的龙头食品公司,以生产优质品牌领先于食品行业,其产品畅销世界各地。

作为澳大利亚的顶级芥花籽油,金黄芥花籽油取自于非转基因和最优质的芥花籽,含丰富的人体必需的营养素 - 天然欧米加 3 和欧米加 6 。此外,金黄芥花籽油含高于60%对人体有益的欧米加 9,优于绝大多数的食用油。

金黄芥花籽油采用最先进的冷压技术提取,不经加热和化学处理,保留了天然营养成分。金黄芥花籽油达中国一级芥花籽油的高标准,其颜色呈天然金黄色, 显示金黄芥花籽油少经加工处理和它的优质。

芥花籽油是澳洲心脏基金会和美国心脏学会推荐的食用油,除了拥有优异的脂肪酸结构和零胆固醇,其饱和脂肪比橄榄油低 54%(根据澳大利亚食品营养表NUTTAB2010)。

